What can I say, I’m a forensic nerd and proud of it. I wanted to reblog this previous article of mine detailing some fascinating areas of forensics. There are some amazing developments in science as well as forensic science. Here I highlight six of those advances, but there are many more. I like to shine a light on such intriguing and noteworthy forensics in today’s crazy world. Please feel free to leave a comment
Photo courtesy of www.mitnicksecurity.com.
Forensic science is a captivating topic, as evidenced by the droves of television shows and movies that dabble in the theme. The problem is – these programs, albeit entertaining, are full of misinformation.
One common entertainment trope involves a crime scene investigator gathering forensic evidence, and then within a day or so, the mystery has been solved!
In reality, forensic analysis is relatively time consuming, and complex. Notwithstanding the complex nature of forensics, it is unquestionable that modern forensic science is advancing at a rapid pace. So, hopefully one day in the near future, real life with align with the movies.
Here are some cool advances that are paving the way for quick, efficient and accurate forensic analysis.
Hair Protein Markers
Scientists have identified unique protein markers in our hair that may possibly be used in conjunction with DNA profiling for identifying people. DNA profiling…
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